sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2013

Poesia (20.0)

Coming Back to Death

My oldest friend,

As you may know
Such thing should only be here
In order to keep me moving
But it has become a necessary aspect
Of this life that has been lived for me.

Sadness and this anguished feeling take over
And my so-called art comes out.

My dear, you see,
Dark and dirty
Such as my hands
Covered in blood,
Blood of mine
That runs away
Despite all requests,
That runs away
Trying to find peace
Anywhere but home.

Friend, all I know now is that
Resurrecting as you wish
Seems to be an act of selfishness
But instead of making an effort
To live after dying
I’ve chosen to die after living.
My resurrection, so,
Happens through pain
And only pain itself
Can make this life

quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2013

Poesia (19.9)

Solitude And His Face

Like the pain.
Feel it underneath your eye.
I went looking.
I found.
I cried.
I couldn’t stop.

It was too painful not to look.
Like an accident on the road,
I was the driver that,
Slows down the speed
To see a dead,
Or almost dead,

His pictures were to be seen.
My blood was to be spilled, so.
The solitude that my body goes through
Is unimaginable
Since I cannot unseen
What I just saw.

Shadows cover his face briefly
And I am,
As for to speak,
Covered in my own solitude.

Thought about reaching the phone,
Calling you instead of crying wolf on the floor.
My hand couldn’t bear the weight of a call.

At one point my eyes dried,
Suffering with the sight of you two together,
You were with him
When you swore at the moon
And all the stars in my celling
That you would love me
And myself only
For a good and long eternity.
Now eternal is my pain.
And there is nothing you can do
To erase the past
That is carved in my eyes.

Those green beacons that you once swore
To be light in your dark way,
Beacons that I hope to guide me
Out of my solitude.

sábado, 5 de outubro de 2013

Poesia (19.8)

Lost Track

The acknowledgement that you are
Lonely in your own body,
For as big as it is,
Flesh is not company.

For as unconditional as mothers love
Can be
For as holy as they are,
Cannot fulfill your desire
For inner company.

For as many lovers as you might have
As unholy as they get,
Will never fulfill that whole hole that crumbles
Within your fingers.

For as many friends as you may forgive
As available as they could get,
Shan’t see you
As a necessary body-soul part.

Perhaps your own gentle touch
As harsh as it might feel and sound
You and your own

terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2013

Poesia (19.7)

O Pecado Original

Estraçalhado no chão
Formigas ocupam
Seus lábios sujos,
Seu peito farto,
Suas costas nuas,
Sua barriga cheia,
Suas mãos culpadas...


A Primeira Culpa

Com dedos ágeis
Fora em busca de alívio,
Da dor que emerge à noite
Dos calafrios que a madrugada traz.
Procuraram o onde
Procuraram o quanto
E o o que.
Acharam todos,

A espera balançava
Seus dedos finos
Sob as mãos fervorosas.
O telefone toca,
Está chegando.
As mãos correm para fora
Da casa
No fim da viela
Uma luz única
E um ronco de morte
Uivando a madrugada quase imersa
Naquele desejo fugaz.
É o senhor?
Pergunta o ronco,
As mãos respondem
E carregam o peso do sabor
Mais rápidas do que nunca
Vêem o erro,
Ignoram-no e voltam pra casa.
Já lá dentro
Com seu ouro branco precioso
Começam os trabalhos.

Vai de uma vez, pensam.
Derramar tudo.
Colocar no mesmo.
E terminar em segundos.

A anatomia não permite essa pressa.
Lambuzaram-se as mãos grandes
Não deixando nada para trás
A não ser o novo,
O silencioso e novo
Arranhão vago nas costas.
As listras vermelhas na barriga,
A falta de delineamento dos traços,
E o coração já amarelado molenga.


Estraçalhado no chão
Formigas ocupam
Seus lábios sujos,
Seu peito farto,
Suas costas nuas,
Sua barriga cheia,
Suas mãos culpadas
E o gosto da culpa
Em sua boca oleosa.