domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

Poesia (26.4)

Peace Within 

The sun had rushed into rising.

My fleeting heart
Once again
Was full.
Gathering all the possible
It could grab
From the dusty shelves.

And I felt whole again.
Whole in my complete
Where the state of mind
I've been looking for
For so long had been hidden
From by my tricky mind

I'm grateful
For the being what
I've become
And all the ones
I've grown up with

terça-feira, 22 de agosto de 2017

Poesia (26.3)

I was not born for happiness

This time
I'm gonna keep me all to myself
And he makes me want to hurt myself again

Pagan Poetry - Björk

Torn upon myself
I catch hearts half way;
They are to meet

Reason dizzies me away 
From what I should feel.
Emotion drives me mad
Away from my senses.

And I fall over again.


And I fall to my forbiddance
Of love,
Of joy. 
And I thrive.

Once more
the expectation.

The line of thinking
Drags me
Into the upcoming
Trembling of hands,
Of a bearded scratch
On my neck,
Of someone to desensitize
The pain
I believe to feel.

I have felt the ashes
Bursting into the wind.

I will play my pretended piano
On my skin.

Poesia (26.2)


Escrevendo exponho os desdesejos;
Transmuto algumas indigestões,
Esboço sorrisos menos amarelos
Mesmo com os dentes mexidos de café.

Escrevendo consigo me ler;
Protejo dedos de cócegas em corpos vãos,
Vou-me embrulhado em mim, 
Cascudo todo,
Pragmático até.

Escrevendo suponho ideias,
Converto verdades em sólidos,
Manejo incontáveis sonhos,
E amo,
Amo demasiado.

Escrevendo tento um bocado,
Chacoalho minhas memórias todas,
Calo diversas vozes
Que insistem em me contar
Piadas de mal gosto.

Escrevendo eu vou seguindo;
Escapole um erro aqui e ali,
Mas vou seguindo.
Falando sozinho
Mais alto que antes,
Falando comigo
Pra ver se me escuto.